
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Way Big

Way Big is a To'kustar (a play on tokusatsu given Way Big's resemblance to characters from the Ultraman), created by cosmic storms.

He is a 100 feet of tall alien, being the biggest alien of the Omnitrix. This size grants him extraordinary strength and invulnerability to most attacks; he is also is capable of creating energy blasts like Ultraman and move into high speed. The only weakness of Way Big is his fin, which is a weak spot, because a fatal hit to this area may paralyze him.[note 1] Way Big was first introduced in "Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix" after Azmuth decides to deactivate the "Self-destruct mode" of the Omnitrix, unlocking him to defeat Vilgax and his army.

Way Big, like Upchuck and Cannonbolt, returns in the second season finale of Ben 10: Alien Force after Azmuth unlocks the Omnitrix Master Control in "War of the Worlds". His eyes are now green instead of yellow, the spikes on his shoulders are gone, his face is different and the fins on his hips are gone.

In Omniverse, Way Big's eyes on his cheeks return and he has three red lines on his neck. His blades on his shoulders have also returned and he is more muscular. He also has fingerless gloves like Four Arms. He reappears in "Blukic & Driba Go to Mr. Smoothie's" for fight Trompipulor.




Goop is a Polymorph (a word meaning "many shapes") from the planet Viscosia (a play on viscosity).

He is a 200 pound viscous life form, shape-shifting, made of green goo, also made of acidic, controlled by an anti-gravity multiplier developed by Galvans, that resembles a small UFO, where his voice comes from, and also has sharp edges. This device allows him to take any shape and levitate; however, if the anti-gravity multiplier and the slime are separated by even a short distance, the slime will become inert until the anti-gravity multiplier recollects it, and also it has a button that shuts off the anti-gravity. Goop first appears to battles a Techadon in "The Gauntlet".

In "Deep" Goop used his anti-gravity projector to keep the Piscciss planet's gravity, and he kept his anti-gravity multiplier there, even when Ben returns to human form. Dwayne McDuffie says the Ultimatrix will generate another anti-gravity multiplier; he also said that polymorphs did not use an anti-gravity multiplier.

In Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, because of his slime body, the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix can be easily pulled off, reverting Goop to normal and decoupling the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix from the user. In Omniverse, the Omnitrix is on the Anti-Gravity multiplier, eliminating this weakness. He reappears in "Blukic & Driba go to Mr. Smoothie's" for fight Trompipulor.

He reappeared in the Ben 10 Omniverse episode "Blukic and Driba go to Mr. Smoothies".




XLR8 is a Kineceleran (a portmanteau of the words "kinetic" and "accelerate") from the planet Kinet (the first part of kinetic, which is movement energy).

XLR8 resembles a semi-armored velociraptor, the base creature for the form's design. He has wheel-shaped feet, scissor-like claws and wears a helmet with a windshield, which is a part of his alien biology, leaving the features of his head unknown. XLR8 has the ability to manipulate friction to reach speeds of 500 mph in an instant, and the same power allows him to climb up walls and run on water with relative ease. Using his speed, XLR8 can perform a number of unique feats, like creating tornadoes through centrifugal force, either through running in a small circle or spinning, and can deliver speed-enhanced attacks in fast succession. Amazing reflexes accompany this speed, allowing XLR8 to quickly dodge attacks. Ben first transformed into XLR8 when he decided to play around with his newfound power, also used him to get revenge on Cash and JT whom he fought with earlier in the episode "And Then There Were 10".

He reappears in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, with no difference from the original series. XLR8 was first used in the Ultimatrix in the crossover special "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United" to grab Dr. Holiday from Alpha Nanite.

In Omniverse, 16-year-old Ben's appearance is the same as Ultimate Alien, but taller, and wears a green shirt like Diamondhead's, has 4 blue stripes on his tail, and is more muscular. His claws are also longer. 11-year-old Ben as XLR8 retains the same appearance from the original series, but his whole neck is white and his tail has 3 blue stripes instead of 5 and is shorter and the Omnitrix Symbol is now green. He first reappears in "Trouble Helix", used by 11-yrs-old Ben. He debuts as 16yrs Ben in "Hot Stretch".




Wildvine is a Florauna (based on flora and fauna) from the planet Flors Verdance (a combination of flora and verdens, Latin word for green). Florauna are plant-based aliens with vine leg, and carnivorous plant-shaped flaps covering their heads. Among a Florauna's abilities are extending limbs, thorns, explosive seeds, merging with other plants and understanding other plant-based beings, and regeneration from near fatal attacks. However, like any plant, a Florauna requires sunlight and water to survive. But in Ben's case, first using the form by accident in "Camp Fear" to face the Mycelium, he seems to not require sunlight and water.

In Omniverse, he is almost the same, but he is a bit darker green. He reappears in "Outbreak", for fight Rook in a training excersise.




Wildmutt is a Vulpimancer (a play on vulpine, which means fox) from the garbage planet Vulpin, an animalistic creature that fights with animalistic speed and strength yet unable to speak. Though without eyes, Vulpimancers use the gills on their neck for thermography echolocation and use heightened senses of sound and smell. However, a loud sound or a horrific smell can overwhelm a Vulpimancer. According to various profiles on Wildmutt, the porcupine-like quills on his back supplement his radar sight and can also serve as weapons, either protecting him while he's rolling, or as projectiles fired off at will. This ability is unique to adult Vulpimancers, and since Ben's version is only ten years old, these quills have not fully developed.

Ben first transformed into Wildmutt in "And Then There Were 10" after his experiment with the Omnitrix, thus his first intentional transformation.When Ben got his cold, it affected Wildmutt by clogging its nostrils, causing it to lose its sense of smell, therefore, not letting it "see." In Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, Wildmutt's design was basically unchanged, except that his lips were orange instead of black and he has Ultimatrix symbol on his chest. Wildmutt made a few brief appearances in the third series, most of them off-screen and not by Ben; his official debut was in "Prisoner #775 is Missing", where he used to track the invisible alien prisoner, and as he doesn't speak, Gwen shout out his name for him. Wildmutt made a brief appearence in "Inspector 13" when the Ultimatrix malfunctioned and Gwen and Kevin transformed into the aliens, Kevin transformed into Wildmutt and crashed his car.

In Omniverse, 16 year old Wildmutt has black lips, his forearms are a bit bigger and he now has a green and white neck brace. The Omnitrix symbol is on his 'collar'. 11-year old Wildmutt looks identical to his original design except that the Omnitrix symbol is green. He first reappears in "Have I Got a Deal for You", chasing the Screggit.




Waterhazard is an Orishan (A play on oyster) scanned from Bivalvan in "Fame"; from the Andromeda Galaxy.

Waterhazard is a red, crustacean-like alien of bivalve origin. He is able to shoot pressurized water from his palms, as well as absorb ambient moisture from the air by manipulate the water; has a highly durable armored exoskeletonwhich protects his body from most types of damage, including moderate amounts of radiation; has enhanced strength and can breathe underwater for a period of time. Waterhazard first appeared in "Too Hot to Handle" to pretend to be Bivalvan and convince P'andor to leave Earth, but did not work because of the rivalry between P'andor and Bivalvan.

In Omniverse, his new design has 4 slitted eyes, and maybe has eyes on his chest. Has a crab-like legs on his torso; his hood is rougher and not as smooth and many barnacles-like on his body. He reappears in "The More Things Change" Pt. 2 to fight Khyber's Dog in the form of Buglizard.




Walkatrout (a play on walkabout and trout) is a blue fish alien. It is slippery and is presumed to have the ability to breathe underwater. He first appeared in "Outbreak".



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Worst

The Worst is a fat, yellow alien that wears underwear. He can withstand heavy attacks and is physically unfit, boasting of a heavy physique. He first appeared in "Outbreak".




Terraspin (a pun on the turtle terrapin and "spin") is a Geochelone Aerio (a play on Geochelone, a turtle found in Africa, Asia, and the USA, and "Aerio" a play on air) scanned from Galapagus in "Escape From Aggregor"; from theAndromeda Galaxy peaceful planet Aldabra (a pun on the island of the Aldabra Group).

Terraspin is a turtle-like alien with holes in his chest, and big flat flipper-like arms with retractable claws that can be used as fingers. He has the ability to shrink his head into his shell, with an opening over the shell that serves as a viewfinder, his fins become triangular and his legs combine into a similar triangular shape, he blows a powerful wind from his holes in its forward, also using his triangular shape arms as propellers; allowing varied powers such as creating winds and spinning himself in high-speed; he uses the blowing ability for fly; has super-human strength, and also his species is impervious to mana. Ben first used him to destroy an alien artifact that became a robot, accidentally activated by Cash in "Reflected Glory".

In Ben 10: Omniverse, Terraspin now has six holes instead of eight, has spots on his legs, toes and shoulders. Also his skin is now green instead of a tan/brown; and has gained toes on his feet as well. He reappears in "The More Things Change : Part 2" for catch Bubble Helmet.




Swampfire is a Methanosian from the planet Methanos (referring to methane).

Swampfire is another living plant alien with a fire-patterned head and root-like feet seemingly holding rocks, and is described as a living swamp. He has superhuman strength, ability to control plant life through a type of flammable gas, and the ability to create fire from his hands, which can also be used to launch his body for flight; the fire is created by igniting methane naturally produced within his body, which causes him to have a bad odor. He can also produce seeds that quickly grow into vines that he can control. Has vast regenerative ability, which allows him to alter his own body, such as dig underground in vine form, growing his feet to root himself into the ground, heal his lost limbs or of other ones, this ability makes him almost indestructible. However, Swampfire is more vulnerable than Heatblast because he can be frozen for periods of time, unlike Heatblast, who is completely invulnerable to cold. He appeared in pilot episode of Ben 10 Alien Force, in "Ben 10 Returns: Part 1" after the Omnitrix had recalibrated, to fight the DNAliens, Forever Knights and defeat Kevin.

In Ben 10: Omniverse, Swampfire's design hasn't changed at all except for a different shaped head and the Omnitrix symbol moving from his chest to his waist. He reappears in "Have I Got A Deal For You", trying to catch the Screegit.

