
Monday, May 28, 2012

Aliens Introduced in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien

Ultimate Big Chill

As Ultimate Big Chill, he is red-skinned version of himself with flame design on his wings, antennae and around his eyes, which resembles a mask; and his voice is more gravelly than normal, having a deeper tone behind it. In this state, Ultimate Big Chill can now also create "ice flames", flames that turn into ice, they are flames that consume the heat of whatever they touch, and use that energy to burn, but instead to burn, it freezes, more and faster than the normal. He was first used in "Hit Em Where They Live", to fight Vulkanus and his Pickaxe Aliens army.

Ultimate Humungousaur

As Ultimate Humungousaur, he is a larger ankylosaurus-like creature, with 20 feet tall; is a green-skinned, armored version of himself with grey horns on his head, arms, chest and back; with a mace in his tail, and his back is covered by a large, spiked shell. His genetic DNA allows him to converting his hands into bio-Gatling guns that shoot kinetically unstable bone fragments as missiles; as a result of millions of simulated battles over a thousand of years. Ultimate Humungousaur was first used by Albedo in "The Final Battle: Part 1" to fight Ben as Humungousaur, being the first Ultimate Form used in the Ultimatrix. Ben first uses him in the Ben 10: Ultimate Alien episode "Too Hot to Handle" to fight P'andor and his minions (Surgeon, Hammer and Buzz).

Ultimate Spidermonkey

As Ultimate Spidermonkey, he is a bulky purple gorilla-like with four sharp spider legs sprouting from his back, and he had lost his tail and his extra arms. In this state, Ultimate Spidermonkey is stronger and can spit webs from his mouth, in larger amount, which are very tough and is waterproof. He was first seen in the pilot episode of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien, to fight Bivalvan, being the first ultimate form of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.

Ultimate Swampfire

As Ultimate Swampfire, he is a tree-like version of himself with a Heatblast-like face and blue gooey shells containing an organic, blue-colored napalm kerosene gel-like solution, containing a highly flammable substance that is used to create blue fire flames, which are more powerful than the normal, and when put his hands together, he creates a huge fire blast; also can shoot fire bombs. Although, Ultimate Swampfire cannot regenerate himself, however this limitation was offset by his body made of petrified wood becoming more resistant to damage. Ben used Ultimate Swampfire on the first time in the Ben 10: Alien Force's series finale "The Final Battle: Part 2", to fight Vilgax, and being the first ultimate form used by Ben.

Ultimate Cannonbolt

As Ultimate Cannonbolt, his body is light metallic cyan with a darker shade of gray on his now a metallic armor with cylindrical studs that turn into spikes when he goes into his ball form. In this state, he offers increased defense and more offensive capabilities therefore he can do more damage than normal, he also has increased speed, momentum and can bounce even higher. Ben first used Ultimate Cannonbolt in "Too Hot to Handle" to hold Kevin and P'andor, with his armor that is made of some material that can contain radiation, allowing Kevin to seal P'andor back in his suit.

Ultimate Echo Echo

As Ultimate Echo Echo, he is a blue, taller, with longer arms, and more robotic version of himself with black lines on his body, and his square on his back is replaced by a cassette tape-like, and his mouth doesn't move when he talks, but he can open it. In this state, Ultimate Echo Echo is unlike his regular form, he cannot duplicate himself anymore (As confirmed on the Cosmic Destruction site), but this limitation is well matched with incredible new abilities, can now shoot sonic screams and sonic waves from discs, these discs are on many parts of his body, that can be throw and controlled, which makes him the most powerful ultimate form. Ben used Ultimate Echo Echo on first time to fight the Necrofriggian colonizers, and to help Gwen and Kevin with the traps of the temple in "Map of Infinity".

AmpFibian is an Amperi (derives from the term ampere, an SI unit of electric current) scanned from Ra'ad in "Fused"; from the Andromeda Galaxy.
AmpFibian is a blue jellyfish-like alien with six tentacles. He has the ability to generate and drain electricity from his tentacles; can sense the electrical pulses in the minds of other life forms, allowing him to read their thoughts, but seems that Ben doesn't know how to do it; turn intangible, stretch all of his tentacles, and absorb and redirect energy beams. AmpFibian can also travel through air, water, and electronic currents by turning his body into electricity.
Though unintentionally first used in "Fused", where Ra'ad entered Ben's body during the DNA scan in a freak accident in an attempt to take the Ultimatrix offline to evade Aggregor to track him down; which explains that the first time, he had blue eyes and had a voice that sounds just like Ben's but it has the effect of being phase-shifted because of Ra'ad. The first intentional use was in "Deep", to breathe under water on the planet Piscciss, where from this time he has green eyes.

Armodrillo is a Talpaedan (a play on talpidae, a name for a family of mammals that includes subterranean animals such as moles) scanned from Andreas in "Andreas' Fault"; from the Andromeda Galaxy planet Terraexcava (from Portuguese Terra Excava means "Excavated ground").
Armodrillo is an armored robotic armadillo-like alien with a head that looks similar to a Corinthian helmet. He has an invulnerable armor that protects him from most of damages; has two jackhammers-like arms, that allows the ability to drill into the ground, or form jackhammers that cause tremors, shock waves and earthquakes; he is also very strong, being able to split the ground in half. Despise all this mechanical appearance, he is biological and the armor and drills are natural. Ben first used Armodrillo to defeat Computron and the robots from the Dimension 12 released by Captain Nemesis in "Hero Time".

NRG is a Prypiatosian-B (a play on Prypiat, a city that was evacuated due to a Chernobyl disaster) scanned from P'andor in "Too Hot To Handle"; from the Andromeda GalaxyNRG is a radioactive energy being with Russian accent, encased within an oven-like invulnerable containment suit that contains his radiation. When released, he is able to shoot energy beams and can create intense heat, enough to create the intensity of a nuclear bomb; he is capable of becoming intangible, so he cannot be touched except by the material his armor is made of. His armor is so tough that can only be broken with a sharp piece of Taedenite; but even trapped in the armor; he can still use part of his power when is released, can shoot energy beams through the holes of the viewfinder, and can generate intense heat, being able to create magma; and have the super-human strength. Ben first transformed into NRG by accident to defeat the 10-year old Ben as the original Heatblast in "The Forge of the Creation".

Nanomech is a Nanochip/human hybrid being, part drone, part human.
He is an inch tall being, but it's worth noting he is drastically different than the source alien, which are bug-like, while Nanomech takes more on a humanoid shape. He has the ability to fly with his wings for added maneuverability, which glows when he flies; shoot energy balls from his hands and his eye; and also he is the opposite of Humungousaur, Nanomech can also change his body size to a microscopic size to adapt to any situation, but can't grow any bigger size. However, being a part of the chips' hive mind renders him vulnerable to the Queen's link to the other chips; however, unlike the drones, he retains his individuality.
In Ben 10: Alien Swarm, Nanomach was unlocked by scanning the Nanochips. He was used to enter Victor Validus's brain and battle The Queen; Ben destroyed her and thus the entirety of the chips, freeing everybody from their control.
He first appears in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien episode "Video Games", with his appearance and voice changed; Nanomech would be in a supposed video game he was going to appear in, but Nanomech was regarded too small for the video game. Later in the same episode, he was used to tear apart the insides of Will Harangue's robot.

Terraspin (a pun on the turtle terrapin) is a Geochelone Aerio (a play on Geochelone, a turtle found in Africa, Asia, and the USA, and "Aerio" a play on air) scanned from Galapagus in "Escape From Aggregor"; from the Andromeda Galaxy peaceful planet Aldabra (a pun on the island of the Aldabra Group).
Terraspin is a turtle-like alien with holes in chest, and big flat flipper-like arms with retractable claws that can be used as fingers. He has the ability to shrink his head into his shell, with an opening over the shell that serves as a viewfinder, his fins become triangular and his legs combine into a similar triangular shape, he blows a powerful wind from his holes in its forward, also using his triangular shape arms as propellers; allowing varied powers such as creating winds and spinning himself in high-speed; he uses the blowing ability for fly; has super-human strength, and also his species is impervious to mana. Ben first used him to destroy an alien artifact that became robot accidentally activated by Cash in "Reflected Glory".

Water Hazard is an Orishan (A play on oyster) scanned from Bivalvan in "Fame"; from the Andromeda Galaxy.
Water Hazard is a red, crustacean-like alien of bivalve origin. He is able to shoot pressurized water from his palms, as well as absorb ambient moisture from the air by manipulate the water; has a highly durable armored exoskeletonwhich protects his body from most types of damage, including moderate amounts of radiation; has enhanced strength and can breathe underwater for a period of time. Water Hazard first appeared in "Too Hot to Handle" to pretend to be Bivalvan and convince P'andor to leave Earth, but did not work because of the rivalry between P'andor and Bivalvan.

ChamAlien is a Merlinisapien (a pun on Merlini, a frog term, and Sapien, meaning wise or intelligent in Latin) scanned from the Prisoner #775 at the end of the titular episode, from the planet Sauria (sauria being a clade of lizards), which was destroyed about 50 years ago prior to the events of the episode, being the prisoner the last Merlinisapien.
He is a lizard-like alien with red, green, and blue triangles on his head are most likely his eyes; and he has a German accent. As his pun states, ChamAlien has chameleon-like abilities, being able to change colors to camouflagehimself, making him almost invisible, although his shadow is visible; also and grow a spike out of the end of his tail; in addition he is very agile, flexible, fast, slippery, has a great strength, and can also stick to surfaces with his great physical adherence.
He appears for the first time in the end of "Prisoner Number 775 Is Missing", calling him Overkill as part of a joke by Ben suggested by Gwen earlier in the episode about the fact that he shouts out his aliens' name.

Clockwork is a Chronosapien (Chrono meaning time, and sapien from the Latin wise).
He is a robot-like alien probably made of copper, with a sort of concave circle that shows his gears inside; and the appearance looks inspired on a Mayan golem, but has a Swiss accent.
He has time travel powers by using a green ray, fire a powerful blast; and also projects the past events by spinning his protrusion on his head, probably is a hologram projector; however, as he is made of copper, he isn't so durable, being easy target to energy or close range strikes.
He was debuted by Ben 10,000 in "Ben 10,000 Returns", used to send Eon to the past, and to destroy the Hands of Armageddon with a help of the 16-years old Ben as Way Big. He appears later in "Inspector 13", when the Ultimatrix malfunctions, causing Gwen and Kevin to turn into the Ultimatrix's aliens when Ben tries to transform, Gwen been turned into Clockwork. Ben debuts him in "Catch a Falling Star", to fight Overlord.

Eatle is an armored robotic humanoid alien with a beetle-like horn and a big metal mouth.
He has sharp fingers, and an enhanced strength, allowing taking big pieces of though material; and has powers similar to Upchuck, he eat many things, and convert into powerful lasers breams that he shoots from slot on his horn; he can also use the horn as a battering ram and possess a durable hull; however Eatle has a blind spot due to his eye placement, making him easier to sneak up on. He briefly made his debut in "A Knight to Remember", on a short failure attempt to fight Vilgax.

Fasttrack is a Citrakayah (A play on Citroen) from the planet Chalybeas (From "Chalybeate" mystical waters containing salts of iron possessed by the extinct "Chalybes" community in accordance to the enchanted strength element).
Fasttrack is a blue and black alien with two mask-like projections on his eyes, and probably Ben's current favorite alien. He moves at high speed like XLR8, and also has enhanced strength as he was strong enough to carry both Hulka and Tack without losing any speed, however, he doesn't easily stop from running, probably because he doesn't to manipulate friction as XLR8 does. He made his first on-screen appearance in "Basic Training" where he saves Tack and Magister Hulka from a malfunctioned grenade.

Shocksquatch (A play on electric shock and Sasquatch) is a Yeti/gorilla-like alien with some small metal plates over his body.
With these metal plates, he can conduct electricity that he creates; he also uses the plates to create great friction, which generates sparks and thus causes lightning. He briefly debut by accident in the special crossover "Ben 10-Generator Rex: Heroes United" due the Alpha nanite hacking the Ultimatrix a couple times.

Ultimate Wildmutt

As Ultimate Wildmutt, he gained the ability to speak; he is a red-skinned version of himself with bony spikes protruding from his back, and a stinger-like spike on the end of his tail. He is stronger than the regular form, with longer claws and has a tail with a scorpion-like stinger at the edge. Ultimate Wildmutt first appears in "Prisoner #775 is Missing" when he manages to subdue the alien prisoner.

Jury Rigg (a play on jury rigging) is a 5-inches devil-like alien with powers based on tendencies to break and disassemble any machinery around in time fate, similar to a gremlin, and Ben can control this tendency; but he also has the ability to fix them in time fate.
He first introduced in "The Eggman Cometh" three times: the first one was by accident, where Ben didn't easily able to control him and ended up disassembling part of Kevin's car; then he was used to destroy Dr. Animo's machine, and also tuned into again to fix it all after Ben manages to utilize Jury Rigg's abilities.

Ultimate Way Big

As Ultimate Way Big, he is similar to the original form, but is three times bigger, has some blue shades in most part of his body, replacing the black parts, and now has two extra horns on each side of his head (making him resembleUltraman Taro from the Ultra Series). In this form, Ultimate Way Big got his original abilities enhanced, like his size and cosmic ray; plus the ability to fly. Ben first used Ultimate Way Big to fight Diagon in the "The Ultimate Enemy part 2".


  1. Monday, May 28, 2012
    Aliens Introduced in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien

  2. Ultimate Big Chill
    As Ultimate Big Chill, he is red-skinned version of himself with flame design on his wings, antennae and around his eyes, which resembles a mask; and his voice is more gravelly than normal, having a deeper tone behind it. In this state, Ultimate Big Chill can now also create "ice flames", flames that turn into ice, they are flames that consume the heat of whatever they touch, and use that energy to burn, but instead to burn, it freezes, more and faster than the normal. He was first used in "Hit Em Where They Live", to fight Vulkanus and his Pickaxe Aliens army.


  3. Ultimate Humungousaur
    As Ultimate Humungousaur, he is a larger ankylosaurus-like creature, with 20 feet tall; is a green-skinned, armored version of himself with grey horns on his head, arms, chest and back; with a mace in his tail, and his back is covered by a large, spiked shell. His genetic DNA allows him to converting his hands into bio-Gatling guns that shoot kinetically unstable bone fragments as missiles; as a result of millions of simulated battles over a thousand of years. Ultimate Humungousaur was first used by Albedo in "The Final Battle: Part 1" to fight Ben as Humungousaur, being the first Ultimate Form used in the Ultimatrix. Ben first uses him in the Ben 10: Ultimate Alien episode "Too Hot to Handle" to fight P'andor and his minions (Surgeon, Hammer and Buzz).


  4. Ultimate Spidermonkey
    As Ultimate Spidermonkey, he is a bulky purple gorilla-like with four sharp spider legs sprouting from his back, and he had lost his tail and his extra arms. In this state, Ultimate Spidermonkey is stronger and can spit webs from his mouth, in larger amount, which are very tough and is waterproof. He was first seen in the pilot episode of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien, to fight Bivalvan, being the first ultimate form of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.


  5. Ultimate Swampfire
    As Ultimate Swampfire, he is a tree-like version of himself with a Heatblast-like face and blue gooey shells containing an organic, blue-colored napalm kerosene gel-like solution, containing a highly flammable substance that is used to create blue fire flames, which are more powerful than the normal, and when put his hands together, he creates a huge fire blast; also can shoot fire bombs. Although, Ultimate Swampfire cannot regenerate himself, however this limitation was offset by his body made of petrified wood becoming more resistant to damage. Ben used Ultimate Swampfire on the first time in the Ben 10: Alien Force's series finale "The Final Battle: Part 2", to fight Vilgax, and being the first ultimate form used by Ben.


  6. Ultimate Cannonbolt
    As Ultimate Cannonbolt, his body is light metallic cyan with a darker shade of gray on his now a metallic armor with cylindrical studs that turn into spikes when he goes into his ball form. In this state, he offers increased defense and more offensive capabilities therefore he can do more damage than normal, he also has increased speed, momentum and can bounce even higher. Ben first used Ultimate Cannonbolt in "Too Hot to Handle" to hold Kevin and P'andor, with his armor that is made of some material that can contain radiation, allowing Kevin to seal P'andor back in his suit.


  7. Ultimate Echo Echo
    As Ultimate Echo Echo, he is a blue, taller, with longer arms, and more robotic version of himself with black lines on his body, and his square on his back is replaced by a cassette tape-like, and his mouth doesn't move when he talks, but he can open it. In this state, Ultimate Echo Echo is unlike his regular form, he cannot duplicate himself anymore (As confirmed on the Cosmic Destruction site), but this limitation is well matched with incredible new abilities, can now shoot sonic screams and sonic waves from discs, these discs are on many parts of his body, that can be throw and controlled, which makes him the most powerful ultimate form. Ben used Ultimate Echo Echo on first time to fight the Necrofriggian colonizers, and to help Gwen and Kevin with the traps of the temple in "Map of Infinity".


  8. AmpFibian is an Amperi (derives from the term ampere, an SI unit of electric current) scanned from Ra'ad in "Fused"; from the Andromeda Galaxy.
    AmpFibian is a blue jellyfish-like alien with six tentacles. He has the ability to generate and drain electricity from his tentacles; can sense the electrical pulses in the minds of other life forms, allowing him to read their thoughts, but seems that Ben doesn't know how to do it; turn intangible, stretch all of his tentacles, and absorb and redirect energy beams. AmpFibian can also travel through air, water, and electronic currents by turning his body into electricity.
    Though unintentionally first used in "Fused", where Ra'ad entered Ben's body during the DNA scan in a freak accident in an attempt to take the Ultimatrix offline to evade Aggregor to track him down; which explains that the first time, he had blue eyes and had a voice that sounds just like Ben's but it has the effect of being phase-shifted because of Ra'ad. The first intentional use was in "Deep", to breathe under water on the planet Piscciss, where from this time he has green eyes.

  9. Armodrillo is a Talpaedan (a play on talpidae, a name for a family of mammals that includes subterranean animals such as moles) scanned from Andreas in "Andreas' Fault"; from the Andromeda Galaxy planet Terraexcava (from Portuguese Terra Excava means "Excavated ground").
    Armodrillo is an armored robotic armadillo-like alien with a head that looks similar to a Corinthian helmet. He has an invulnerable armor that protects him from most of damages; has two jackhammers-like arms, that allows the ability to drill into the ground, or form jackhammers that cause tremors, shock waves and earthquakes; he is also very strong, being able to split the ground in half. Despise all this mechanical appearance, he is biological and the armor and drills are natural. Ben first used Armodrillo to defeat Computron and the robots from the Dimension 12 released by Captain Nemesis in "Hero Time".


  10. NRG is a Prypiatosian-B (a play on Prypiat, a city that was evacuated due to a Chernobyl disaster) scanned from P'andor in "Too Hot To Handle"; from the Andromeda Galaxy. NRG is a radioactive energy being with Russian accent, encased within an oven-like invulnerable containment suit that contains his radiation. When released, he is able to shoot energy beams and can create intense heat, enough to create the intensity of a nuclear bomb; he is capable of becoming intangible, so he cannot be touched except by the material his armor is made of. His armor is so tough that can only be broken with a sharp piece of Taedenite; but even trapped in the armor; he can still use part of his power when is released, can shoot energy beams through the holes of the viewfinder, and can generate intense heat, being able to create magma; and have the super-human strength. Ben first transformed into NRG by accident to defeat the 10-year old Ben as the original Heatblast in "The Forge of the Creation".


  11. Nanomech is a Nanochip/human hybrid being, part drone, part human.
    He is an inch tall being, but it's worth noting he is drastically different than the source alien, which are bug-like, while Nanomech takes more on a humanoid shape. He has the ability to fly with his wings for added maneuverability, which glows when he flies; shoot energy balls from his hands and his eye; and also he is the opposite of Humungousaur, Nanomech can also change his body size to a microscopic size to adapt to any situation, but can't grow any bigger size. However, being a part of the chips' hive mind renders him vulnerable to the Queen's link to the other chips; however, unlike the drones, he retains his individuality.
    In Ben 10: Alien Swarm, Nanomach was unlocked by scanning the Nanochips. He was used to enter Victor Validus's brain and battle The Queen; Ben destroyed her and thus the entirety of the chips, freeing everybody from their control.
    He first appears in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien episode "Video Games", with his appearance and voice changed; Nanomech would be in a supposed video game he was going to appear in, but Nanomech was regarded too small for the video game. Later in the same episode, he was used to tear apart the insides of Will Harangue's robot.


  12. Nanomech is a Nanochip/human hybrid being, part drone, part human.
    He is an inch tall being, but it's worth noting he is drastically different than the source alien, which are bug-like, while Nanomech takes more on a humanoid shape. He has the ability to fly with his wings for added maneuverability, which glows when he flies; shoot energy balls from his hands and his eye; and also he is the opposite of Humungousaur, Nanomech can also change his body size to a microscopic size to adapt to any situation, but can't grow any bigger size. However, being a part of the chips' hive mind renders him vulnerable to the Queen's link to the other chips; however, unlike the drones, he retains his individuality.
    In Ben 10: Alien Swarm, Nanomach was unlocked by scanning the Nanochips. He was used to enter Victor Validus's brain and battle The Queen; Ben destroyed her and thus the entirety of the chips, freeing everybody from their control.
    He first appears in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien episode "Video Games", with his appearance and voice changed; Nanomech would be in a supposed video game he was going to appear in, but Nanomech was regarded too small for the video game. Later in the same episode, he was used to tear apart the insides of Will Harangue's robot.


  13. Water Hazard is an Orishan (A play on oyster) scanned from Bivalvan in "Fame"; from the Andromeda Galaxy.
    Water Hazard is a red, crustacean-like alien of bivalve origin. He is able to shoot pressurized water from his palms, as well as absorb ambient moisture from the air by manipulate the water; has a highly durable armored exoskeletonwhich protects his body from most types of damage, including moderate amounts of radiation; has enhanced strength and can breathe underwater for a period of time. Water Hazard first appeared in "Too Hot to Handle" to pretend to be Bivalvan and convince P'andor to leave Earth, but did not work because of the rivalry between P'andor and Bivalvan.


  14. ChamAlien is a Merlinisapien (a pun on Merlini, a frog term, and Sapien, meaning wise or intelligent in Latin) scanned from the Prisoner #775 at the end of the titular episode, from the planet Sauria (sauria being a clade of lizards), which was destroyed about 50 years ago prior to the events of the episode, being the prisoner the last Merlinisapien.
    He is a lizard-like alien with red, green, and blue triangles on his head are most likely his eyes; and he has a German accent. As his pun states, ChamAlien has chameleon-like abilities, being able to change colors to camouflagehimself, making him almost invisible, although his shadow is visible; also and grow a spike out of the end of his tail; in addition he is very agile, flexible, fast, slippery, has a great strength, and can also stick to surfaces with his great physical adherence.
    He appears for the first time in the end of "Prisoner Number 775 Is Missing", calling him Overkill as part of a joke by Ben suggested by Gwen earlier in the episode about the fact that he shouts out his aliens' name.


  15. Clockwork is a Chronosapien (Chrono meaning time, and sapien from the Latin wise).
    He is a robot-like alien probably made of copper, with a sort of concave circle that shows his gears inside; and the appearance looks inspired on a Mayan golem, but has a Swiss accent.
    He has time travel powers by using a green ray, fire a powerful blast; and also projects the past events by spinning his protrusion on his head, probably is a hologram projector; however, as he is made of copper, he isn't so durable, being easy target to energy or close range strikes.
    He was debuted by Ben 10,000 in "Ben 10,000 Returns", used to send Eon to the past, and to destroy the Hands of Armageddon with a help of the 16-years old Ben as Way Big. He appears later in "Inspector 13", when the Ultimatrix malfunctions, causing Gwen and Kevin to turn into the Ultimatrix's aliens when Ben tries to transform, Gwen been turned into Clockwork. Ben debuts him in "Catch a Falling Star", to fight Overlord.


  16. Eatle is an armored robotic humanoid alien with a beetle-like horn and a big metal mouth.
    He has sharp fingers, and an enhanced strength, allowing taking big pieces of though material; and has powers similar to Upchuck, he eat many things, and convert into powerful lasers breams that he shoots from slot on his horn; he can also use the horn as a battering ram and possess a durable hull; however Eatle has a blind spot due to his eye placement, making him easier to sneak up on. He briefly made his debut in "A Knight to Remember", on a short failure attempt to fight Vilgax.


  17. Fasttrack is a Citrakayah (A play on Citroen) from the planet Chalybeas (From "Chalybeate" mystical waters containing salts of iron possessed by the extinct "Chalybes" community in accordance to the enchanted strength element).
    Fasttrack is a blue and black alien with two mask-like projections on his eyes, and probably Ben's current favorite alien. He moves at high speed like XLR8, and also has enhanced strength as he was strong enough to carry both Hulka and Tack without losing any speed, however, he doesn't easily stop from running, probably because he doesn't to manipulate friction as XLR8 does. He made his first on-screen appearance in "Basic Training" where he saves Tack and Magister Hulka from a malfunctioned grenade.


  18. Shocksquatch (A play on electric shock and Sasquatch) is a Yeti/gorilla-like alien with some small metal plates over his body.
    With these metal plates, he can conduct electricity that he creates; he also uses the plates to create great friction, which generates sparks and thus causes lightning. He briefly debut by accident in the special crossover "Ben 10-Generator Rex: Heroes United" due the Alpha nanite hacking the Ultimatrix a couple times.


  19. Ultimate Wildmutt
    As Ultimate Wildmutt, he gained the ability to speak; he is a red-skinned version of himself with bony spikes protruding from his back, and a stinger-like spike on the end of his tail. He is stronger than the regular form, with longer claws and has a tail with a scorpion-like stinger at the edge. Ultimate Wildmutt first appears in "Prisoner #775 is Missing" when he manages to subdue the alien prisoner.


  20. Jury Rigg (a play on jury rigging) is a 5-inches devil-like alien with powers based on tendencies to break and disassemble any machinery around in time fate, similar to a gremlin, and Ben can control this tendency; but he also has the ability to fix them in time fate.
    He first introduced in "The Eggman Cometh" three times: the first one was by accident, where Ben didn't easily able to control him and ended up disassembling part of Kevin's car; then he was used to destroy Dr. Animo's machine, and also tuned into again to fix it all after Ben manages to utilize Jury Rigg's abilities.


  21. Ultimate Way Big
    As Ultimate Way Big, he is similar to the original form, but is three times bigger, has some blue shades in most part of his body, replacing the black parts, and now has two extra horns on each side of his head (making him resembleUltraman Taro from the Ultra Series). In this form, Ultimate Way Big got his original abilities enhanced, like his size and cosmic ray; plus the ability to fly. Ben first used Ultimate Way Big to fight Diagon in the "The Ultimate Enemy part 2".

  22. Terraspin (a pun on the turtle terrapin) is a Geochelone Aerio (a play on Geochelone, a turtle found in Africa, Asia, and the USA, and "Aerio" a play on air) scanned from Galapagus in "Escape From Aggregor"; from the Andromeda Galaxy peaceful planet Aldabra (a pun on the island of the Aldabra Group).
    Terraspin is a turtle-like alien with holes in chest, and big flat flipper-like arms with retractable claws that can be used as fingers. He has the ability to shrink his head into his shell, with an opening over the shell that serves as a viewfinder, his fins become triangular and his legs combine into a similar triangular shape, he blows a powerful wind from his holes in its forward, also using his triangular shape arms as propellers; allowing varied powers such as creating winds and spinning himself in high-speed; he uses the blowing ability for fly; has super-human strength, and also his species is impervious to mana. Ben first used him to destroy an alien artifact that became robot accidentally activated by Cash in "Reflected Glory".

