
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Bloxx (a play on "blocks") is a Segmentasapien (Portmanteau for "Segment" for part and "Sapien" for wise in Latin) from the planet Polyominus ("Poly" for many), whose body is totally composed by building blocks as his name states.

His primary power is shape shifting. He can alter his body structure into any form needed; this includes some regenerative ability. He can also can use his blocks to stretch and build himself. Due his shape-changing abilities based on blocks, his body is fragile and is easily broken when hit with enough force But since he can regenerate it doesn't matter whether his body structure is broken or not. Ben first uses in "The More Things Change Part 1", to save the aliengrocery store of Bellwood and to help Rook disable the bomb.



1 comment:

  1. Tuesday, December 18, 2012

    Bloxx (a play on "blocks") is a Segmentasapien (Portmanteau for "Segment" for part and "Sapien" for wise in Latin) from the planet Polyominus ("Poly" for many), whose body is totally composed by building blocks as his name states.

    His primary power is shape shifting. He can alter his body structure into any form needed; this includes some regenerative ability. He can also can use his blocks to stretch and build himself. Due his shape-changing abilities based on blocks, his body is fragile and is easily broken when hit with enough force But since he can regenerate it doesn't matter whether his body structure is broken or not. Ben first uses in "The More Things Change Part 1", to save the aliengrocery store of Bellwood and to help Rook disable the bomb.


